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                产品中心 / Product Center
                简约 Smarac Series
                整体结合人机工』程学,及搭配多角度∏模块化设计,背板采用高强度工业铝型材,具有很好的耐久性,同时也减轻了机身的整体重量,便于运输安装。Combine with ergonomics, matched muti-angle module structure design,adopting high strength Aluminium frame for the back-wall to keep the good durability, meanwhile reducing the whole weight, convenient for transportation and installation
                思创 Intellrac Series
                整体外观设计简洁轮廓线条清晰,却不失经典时尚之感,框架采用SPCC优质冷轧钢板制作,坚固耐用。The overall appearance design is simple and clear, but without losing the sense of classic fashion, the frame is made of SPCC high quality cold-rolled steel plate, strong and durable.
                时讯 Timrac Series
                低调的★质感,精致的工艺∴,优雅的工艺之Ψ美; 开放式双面【后背板,视㊣ 觉延展性更好,空间利 用率更高,灯光呼应,颜色ω变幻配合指挥中心工作模式。Low-key texture, exquisite craft, elegant craft beauty; The open double-side slatwall has better visual ductility and higher space utilization; The color of lighting changes as the working mode of the command center
                致恒 Visirac Series
                采用箱体◆落地式结构,线缆可由静电︾地板直接接入箱体,内卐部可选配走线槽布线,布线方式合理,简洁干净。符合人〖体工程学要求。 Adopting ground mounted structure, the cable access into the console from the anti-static floor, optional inner line slot, reasonable cable management to keep the tidy operation environment, ergonomically designed
                时讯 Timrac Series
                低调的质感,精致的工艺,优雅的工艺之美; 开放式双面后背板,视觉延展性更好,空间利 用率更高,灯光呼应,颜色变幻配合指挥中心工作模式。Low-key texture, exquisite craft, elegant craft beauty; The open double-side slatwall has better visual ductility and higher space utilization; The color of lighting changes as the working mode of the command center.
                智慧 Intellrac Series
                采用智能升降系统,让控制台更加的智能化和人性化,给人以舒适的工作环境,在外观上博采众长,加入众多美学元素,高端大气。 Patented product,counterfeiting not allowed Integrate with an intelligent lifting system, fully upgrade products function to build a intelligence and humanization console, offer comfortable working environment, elegant outlook, joined the aesthetic element to bring you a refresh visual feeling.